Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh

Though Bach, Mozart, Dvorak, Schoenberg and Britten all played it, the viola remains widely regarded as the Cinderella of the strings, its versatility unacknowledged, its beauty concealed. But a surge of fine modern violists, with Garth Knox in the vanguard, have been championing it, and here was the man himself with a recital for Edinburgh Contemporary Arts Trust that exhilaratingly liberated every timbre, note or noise his instrument could produce. Continue reading “Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh”

Edinburgh Contemporary Arts Trust Garth Knox’s recital of modern viola music

If I thought six pieces of new music in one concert was impressive, Garth Knox clearly felt himself up to the challenge by playing seven, albeit none of them premieres, in this ecat (Edinburgh Contemporary Arts Trust) concert. He faced, perhaps, a bigger challenge as one might not necessarily imagine the viola could sustain a whole concert, certainly I had my doubts. Such concerns were unfounded and Knox quickly erased them.
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D’amore Garth Knox and Agnès Vesrerman


Garth Knox turns his attention to the viola d’amore for the first ECM disc issued under his name. In Knox’s hands this almost-forgotten baroque instrument takes on a new life as he applies it to music from 1600 to the present day. Repertoire includes music by Tobias Hume and Marin Marais from the 17th century, by Attilio Ariosti from the 18th century, by Klaus Huber and Roland Moser from the 20th, and by Knox himself from the 21st. Garth also offers arrangements of folk music from Celtic sources that connect to his own Irish/Scottish heritage. A wonderful programme superbly played by Knox and French cellist Agnès Vesterman.
Ref: ECM 1925

Utopian Dances

Music composed and improvised on the theme of Utopia, for a conference on this subject in Voralberg in 2007. Performed by Magali Imbert (flutes, percussion) and Garth Knox viola, viola d’amore and medieval fiddle).

Available as a free download at Last Fm.

Ballade, Bergen

Kammerkonsertar med Garth Knox og Plus Minus

Som dere alle observerer har dette stykket nå nådd et punkt hvor følelsene så og si er sluppet helt fri. Musikerene følger ikke lenger et strengt partitur eller komponistens plan, men uttrykker seg selv. De er bedt om å utføre diverse katharsiske handlinger og er mer opptatt av egen sjelelig rensing enn av konvensjonell musikalsk struktur”, var eitt av mange innspel frå Trond Reinholdtsen i hans nye verk. ”Music as Emotion” er eit stykke med trøkk, meiner Ida Habbestad i denne meldinga.

Continue reading “Ballade, Bergen”

Passing Images Frode Haltli

Frode CD

Frode Haltli, acknowledged as one of the most outstanding accordion soloists in contemporary music, is also an exceptional improviser and an authority on folk music. His second ECM recording under his own name brings all of these aspects of his musical character together. Repertoire includes a psalm from the western fjords, a lyrical waltz from Haltlis’ home village near the Swedish border, a Roma traveller tune that suggests Albert Ayler’s sound-world.

With a supporting cast including Irish-Scottish classical viola player Garth Knox (ex-Arditti Quartet) as well as Norwegian partners composer/singer Maja Ratkje and trumpeter Arve Henriksen, Haltli offers a radical new look at music from traditional sources.

Ref: ECM 1913

GoldBerg’s Ghost

Goldberg Ghost

J.S. Bach & Ton de Kruyf, Garth Knox, Brice Pauset, Marcel Reuter, Bernard Struber

At the crossroads between period and modern instruments, Goldberg’s Ghost takes possession of the score of the Goldberg Variations of Johann Sebastian Bach, of which the aria, the Quodlibet and the complete canons have been retained, spiced up for the occasion with creations by Garth Knox, Bernard Struber, Ton de Kruyf, Brice Pauset and Marcel Reuter – an astonishing, inspired and prestigious mix. Anne Galowich’s delicate harpsichord opens the ball and Garth Knox sets the tone on a viole d’amour, for a fascinating initiatory quest which leads us to reflect about the timelessness of the Cantor’s genius.

Ref: Fuga Libera FUG 533